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Is It Fear of Failure or Fear of Success That Stops Us?


"What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?"

In Australia, we often hear about "Tall Poppy Syndrome"—a social phenomenon where people who achieve success are criticized or cut down by others. While fear of failure is something we can all relate to, fear of success may be just as prevalent and equally paralyzing. Sometimes, the very thought of success can trigger anxiety, not because we doubt our abilities but because we fear how others will react when we rise above the crowd.

So why do we fear success? One of the key reasons is that in Australian culture, success can sometimes be met with jealousy or criticism. Once you achieve something significant—whether it’s landing a dream job, starting a successful business, or even a personal accomplishment—there’s often a fear that people will turn on you. You may find that others, consciously or unconsciously, try to pull you down, not wanting you to “get ahead.” This fear of being ostracized or judged can create a mental and energetic barrier to pursuing success.

Protecting Your Energy from Jealousy

This fear of being brought down can even cause us to self-sabotage. To protect ourselves, it’s crucial to become aware of the need for energetic boundaries. Symbols like the Evil Eye, for example, have been used for centuries to ward off jealousy and protect one’s energy from negative intentions. Incorporating spiritual tools such as protection symbols or practicing energy cleansing rituals like cord-cutting can help you manage these feelings and shield your personal energy. This may sound esoteric, but clearing negative energy is just as important as clearing the mind.

Wounds from the Past: The School Captain Syndrome

If you think back to when you were younger, maybe you experienced success and got teased for it. Perhaps you were elected school captain or achieved something that set you apart, and instead of celebrating you, others picked on you or distanced themselves. That experience can plant a seed of fear that blooms into adulthood. Without realizing it, you may still carry this fear, creating an energetic blockage that needs healing.

A powerful way to reset your mindset is through energy healing practices like Reiki, where old cords of negative energy can be gently cut away, freeing you from past hurt. By doing so, you release the emotional baggage that could be keeping you stuck in a pattern of avoiding success.

Embrace Your Worthiness

The real key to overcoming the fear of success lies in learning to love and accept yourself unconditionally. When you truly feel safe in yourself, the fear of what others might think becomes irrelevant. You’ll realize that you deserve all the success that comes your way, and that success doesn’t just benefit you—it enables you to help others. The more successful you become, the greater your capacity to uplift others in your community and beyond.

Ask yourself this simple yet powerful question: "What would I attempt if I knew I could not fail?"

When you answer this honestly, you may discover that your dreams are not just possible but waiting for you to claim them. And the path to doing so often begins with healing your energy, clearing emotional blockages, and making peace with your potential.

Practical Tools for Success

If you’re ready to embrace success, there are practical tools to help you along the way. Reiki healing is a wonderful way to release energetic blockages that may be holding you back. Vision boards, too, are an excellent way to keep your goals in focus, reminding you daily of the life you are creating.

Daily affirmations can also shift your mindset. One powerful affirmation to integrate into your routine is: “I trust my unique path to success.” Trusting that you are on the right path and that success is part of your journey helps dismantle fear and replace it with faith.

Finally, meditation is an incredible tool for reprogramming your mind for success. The Meditative Mind YouTube channel offers a wealth of free solfeggio frequencies that can help you energetically align with success. One particularly useful frequency is 417 Hz, known for its ability to facilitate change and break old patterns.

Journal Your Vision of Success

To close, consider journaling your dream life and your vision of success. Write out in detail what your life looks like when you’ve achieved your goals. Let your imagination flow without limitations. And each day, remind yourself of this essential question: "What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?"

In the end, success is your birthright. The more you heal, love, and trust yourself, the more that truth becomes undeniable.

Remember to live, laugh & love,

Mandy xx

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